Geotechnical Services

Point to Point Environmental offers geotechnical services for every size project and will tailor the geotechnical investigations to meet our clients’ needs and to gather the data required. Point to Point environmental conducts geotechnical investigations to focus of the specific geotechnical parameters as specified by the engineering and construction requirements and the associated lithology of a property.

Utilizing a variety of drilling technologies selected based on site specific requirements, Point to Point to Environmental can install:

Soil test holes
Soil borings
Conduct rock investigations
Conduct rock coring
Groundwater monitoring well installation

During the drilling activities, standard penetration testing (SPT), cone penetration (CPT), test soundings, and down-hole geophysical surveys can be used to evaluate subsurface characteristics. Soil samples can be collected at set intervals and depths as specified by the engineering and construction requirements, or based on observed site conditions and parameters as measured during the drilling process. These samples can be analyzed for geotechnical parameters and other analyses at a certified materials testing laboratory including:

• Soil classification
• Particle size and suspended particle size
• Sieve analysis
• Specific gravity
• In place or bulk density
• Moisture content
• Organic content
• Atterberg limit
• Proctor compaction

Point to Point Environmental staff summarizes all field parameters and observations within thorough soil boring logs and rock coring logs that are prepared for inclusion within report documentation. The locations of soil test holes, borings and groundwater monitoring wells are added to the site plan. Groundwater monitoring wells and piezometers can also be vertically surveyed. Point to Point Environmental can also provide hydrogeologic investigations including:

• Depth to groundwater/groundwater elevation measurements
• Hydraulic gradient calculations
• Direction of groundwater flow and potentiometric surface map preparation
• Groundwater recovery rates and slug tests for calculations of hydraulic conductivity
• Perform draw-down or pumping tests using down-hole pumps and pressure transducers
• Long-term groundwater elevation data collection
• Seasonal pumping tests
• Dewatering activities to facilitate construction and excavation.

Point to Point environmental also partners with local subcontractors to provide seismic refraction and reflection to investigate buried structures and conduct bedrock mapping, and soil resistivity testing for cathodic protection and electrical grounding requirements. If you have questions about the geotechnical investigation process please contact Point to Point at 678-565-4435.