Phase I Archaeological and Cultural Resource Surveys

Phase I surveys are the most common form of Section 106 compliance currently employed throughout the United States. There are two types of Phase I surveys currently offered by P2P Environmental: a Phase I cultural resources survey and a Phase I archaeological resources survey. The difference between these two surveys is minor, but important in terms of what they provide for compliance.


For all types of regulatory fulfillment (e.g. NEPA compliance), a Phase I cultural resources survey must be performed. This level of effort involves the identification and assessment of both archaeological resources within the tract and historic structures within and nearby the tract.


A Phase I archaeological resources survey, however, focuses solely on identifying and assessing archaeological resources within the footprint of the tract. For an Environmental Assessment (EA) typically a Phase I archaeological survey will at some point accompany a historic structure survey report in an overall cultural assessment. Because of this, an inclusive Phase I cultural resources survey is the preferred method of investigation as both archaeological and historic resources are identified and assessed within one report.