Site Decommission / Abandonment / Restoration

Once environmental corrective action activities have been completed, the regulatory authority will issue a No Further Action Required letter, de-listing from the Hazardous Waste Inventory list, Conditional Site closure, or some other formal acknowledgement of achieving the remedial objectives for your property. As triumphant as this time is, the efforts are not yet complete. There is still work required, and the final mile of this project may be the most important for the future use and viability of your property.

Point to Point Environmental outlines a detailed site abandonment and decommissioning process. Project managers review the contractual obligations, property access agreements, permitting and regulatory compliance guidelines to develop a clear plan and updated milestone schedule for implementation of the decommissioning and restoration process. Management of expectations is an integral portion, as property owners and neighbors often envision different final site conditions than responsible parties. A review of the engineering analysis completed during the remedial design process should be completed to ensure that no construction or planning details are overlooked. A working operational plan is implemented to make certain that a cohesive and comprehensive process is implemented, ensuring a cost effective approach.

The existing remediation wells, groundwater monitoring wells and remediation system piping must be properly abandoned in accordance with state Water Well Standards Act. This can include tremie grouting the wells from the bottom to ground surface with a bentonite and cement grout mix, overdrilling wells, sealing via pressure grouting (injection wells) and other site specific methodologies of well plugging and abandonment. Manhole covers and vaults lids may be removed, and well vaults are filled to the ground surface. Each well head will subsequently be cemented to the ground surface. Often the protective well pads are broken out and resurfaced with concrete, and parking lot repairs and regrading activities are completed.

Removal of the utility services for a fixed based remediation system are coordinated with the utility providers and service connections, temporary power service poles, natural gas meters and telephone lines are all disconnected and/or completely removed. Sewer taps are plugged and abandoned in accordance with local guidelines. A review of the initial permitting requirements to complete remedial action at a property is integral to avoid ongoing permitting requirements, and certain permits requires insurance and performance bonds which should be properly canceled to avoid ongoing fees.

The fixed based remediation system will be demobilized from the subject site. All readily accessible underground piping associated with the system will be removed and properly disposed of. Piping under parking lots, roadways or other inaccessible areas will be capped and left in place. The remediation system concrete storage pad and compound enclosure should be removed. Point to Point Environmental will oversee the proper characterization, profiling, containerization, transportation and offsite disposal of all waste materials.

The final phase is the preparation of a Completion Report for the subject location with a Certificate of Completion. In addition to the No Further Action letter from the regulators, a final completion report and certificate of completion can be the most valuable post-corrective action document to keep on file. These two documents are often those most requested by future property owners and their financial institutions. A certificate of completion certifies that the remedial action plan has been implemented in accordance with the schedules, specifications, sampling programs, and conditions contained therein, and that the plan’s stated objectives have been met. This includes any and all certified amendments (to the remedial action plan), have been implemented in accordance with the schedules, specifications, sampling programs, and conditions contained therein, and that the plan’s stated objectives have been met.

Site decommissioning and abandonment are the final, and often most important steps in corrective action process. Point to Point Environmental is committed to completing these activities in an efficient and cost effective manner. Please contact Point to Point Environmental at 678-565-4435 to discuss how we can assist to prepare your property for a brighter future.