Point to Point Environmental can perform piezometer installations and monitoring well installations, allowing for data collection regarding the underlying groundwater table within a soil boring. Piezometers can accurately measure the underground water pressure in a borehole, while monitoring wells are for measuring and monitoring the level, quantity, quality, and movement of subsoil water. They are valuable tools that can provide a multitude of accurate data on groundwater long-term or assist in the short term to aid in construction and excavation activities. Piezometer and monitoring well installations are often completed when shallow groundwater may be suspected at a site, if site engineering and construction specifications require extensive building footers to be installed, or if substantial grading activities are proposed. Properly constructed groundwater monitoring wells and piezometers are designed and installed to meet site conditions.
The locations of the groundwater monitoring wells or piezometers are added to the site plan and vertically surveyed so that the depth to groundwater can be used to calculate the direction of groundwater flow and the hydraulic gradient at the site. Groundwater recovery rates can be calculated by performing draw-down or pumping tests using down-hole pumps. Piezometers or groundwater monitoring wells may be installed and left in place to provide long-term groundwater elevation data, to conduct pumping tests and slug tests for calculations of hydraulic conductivity, or to assist with dewatering activities to facilitate construction and excavation. Downhole pressure transducers and dataloggers can be installed to collect long term groundwater elevation data. Point to Point Environmental offers hydrogeologic studies and employs latest in subsurface investigation technology including utilizing hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) to characterize electric conductivity and lithologic permeability.
Point to Point Environmental listens to our clients’ needs for a subsurface investigation, and executes groundwater exploration to meet our clients requirements and to gather the data required. If you have questions about the groundwater investigation process or about Piezometer installation and monitoring well installation, please contact Point to Point at 678-565-4435.