Soil and groundwater testing focuses on collecting samples for specific analysis based on a known or suspected environmental condition, or to investigate the specific geotechnical parameters associated with the lithology of a property. The groundwater and soil sampling process includes the installation of soil borings and groundwater monitoring wells. Soil borings are installed utilizing a variety of drilling technologies, selected based on site specific requirements. Soil samples are collected during the drilling activities at specified locations and depth intervals. Point to Point can perform soil testing on samples in the field using hand held analyzers to identify the optimal soil samples to be selected for laboratory contaminant analysis. The laboratory analyses are selected based on the known substances released, and to satisfy regulatory requirements. Additionally, we have experience isolating areas of suspected contamination by in-situ qualitative analyses utilizing membrane interface probe (MIP) and light induced fluoresce (LIF) technologies.
During a geotechnical investigation, soil samples are collected at set intervals and depths as specified by the engineering and construction requirements. Additionally, soil samples are collected based on observed site conditions and parameters as measured during the drilling process. Soil testing can determine geotechnical parameters including particle size and suspended particle size, sieve analysis, specific gravity, in place or bulk density, moisture content, Atterberg limit, Proctor compaction, and other analyses at a certified materials testing laboratory. Field parameters and observations are recorded during the drilling activities and detailed soil boring logs are prepared for inclusion within report documentation.
When environmental contaminants may have reached the groundwater, groundwater monitoring wells are installed within soil borings. Properly constructed groundwater monitoring wells are designed and installed to meet site conditions and the contaminants of concern. Groundwater sampling is performed using disposable, Teflon, or stainless steel bailers, down-hole pumps or via disposable tubing and peristaltic pumping. The collected samples are subsequently sent for laboratory analysis. The locations of groundwater monitoring wells are added to the site plan and vertically surveyed so that the depth to groundwater can be used to calculate the direction of groundwater. Point to Point Environmental can also collect groundwater samples directly from soil borings or utilize in-situ qualitative analyses such as MIP and LIF to identify groundwater contaminants.
When environmental contaminants are not suspected, piezometers or groundwater monitoring wells may be installed to provide groundwater elevation data, or to conduct pumping tests and slug tests for calculations of hydraulic conductivity. Point to Point Environmental will explore every avenue to gather the data required, and has experience with the latest in subsurface investigation technology including utilizing hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) to characterize electric conductivity and lithologic permeability.
Point to Point Environmental designs a groundwater and soil sampling plan to meet our clients’ needs and to gather the data required. If you have questions about the soil testing and groundwater testing process, please contact Point to Point at 678-565-4435.