Point to Point Environmental’s team of certified wetlands delineators can be your source of information when you require wetlands and water body identification services. Property owners, developers and engineers who are evaluating construction and redevelopment projects may determine that they have a need for a variety of services that may all be inclusive of what is generally termed wetlands delineation. Common terminology used for differing services that may include wetlands related activities are aquatic habitat, lowlands identification, surface water definition, uplands identification, floodplain, stream identification, surface water trace, Section 401 or 404 permitting, NEPA, stream buffer encroachments, nationwide permitting and wetlands disturbances. Wetlands delineation is a phrase that generally encompasses the requirements outlined within Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act (CWA), and the complimentary local and state rules that have promulgated from the federal law. Point to Point Environmental is prepared to serve our clients in determining what aspects of compliance may affect your project and to perform the necessary field work and report documentation that is required. Point to Point Environmental can be your trusted resource on wetlands delineation so that only the tasks required by the local, state, or federal regulatory authorities are completed.
Properties that contain marshlands or coastal marshlands, tidal water areas, waters of the state, or estuarine areas are considered wetlands areas. The definition of Waters of the State is “any and all rivers, streams, creeks, branches, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, drainage systems, springs, wells, wetlands, and all other bodies of surface or subsurface water, natural or artificial lying within or forming a part of the boundaries of the state which are not entirely confined and retained completely upon the property of a single individual, partnership, or corporation.” An area that is periodically, seasonally or always saturated with water is considered a wetland area. This includes areas where the surface of the land is not always wet or contain standing water, shallow groundwater, specific types of soil and vegetation and other hydrogeologic characteristics signify that an area should be considered a wetlands.
Many activities may be included in work that is restricted due to the presence of a nearby wetland or water of the state. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers specifies that activities that include removal of fill or dredged soils and unauthorized dumping of these materials into a waterway is restricted. However, this also included alteration of wetlands and marshlands without a permit.
Point to Point Environmental can assist with determining the amount of effort required to fulfill the applicable regulations for your project. Once the specific level of regulatory oversight is established, Point to Point will work directly with the regulatory officials to develop a comprehensive scope of work. Wetlands review begins with a study of the available records and resources available from the National Wetlands Inventory, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood plain maps, U.S. Department of Agriculture soils maps, U.S. Geologic Society (USGS) topographic maps, and locally available Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data. Once a thorough background examination has been completed, Point to Point Environmental will physically inspect your property to assess the property’s soils, vegetation and hydrologic parameters. Using this information, Point to Point can advise if any wetlands are present on your property.
Should a wetlands area be present on your property, the boundary of the wetlands may need to be defined to avoid encroachment or damage to sensitive areas. Point to Point Environmental can conduct a wetland delineation by collecting site specific characteristics and complete a thorough delimitation of the wetlands as specified in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers protocol based on site soils, vegetation and hydrology. As part of the wetlands delineation process, the boundaries of the wetland area are established, marked on the property with survey flagging and/or flagged stakes, and these boundaries are field located by a professional land surveyor. The width of the required protective buffer can also be added to the survey plat.
Point to Point Environmental summarizes all of the background research and field activities within a Wetland Delineation Report that includes a detailed site plat prepared by our skilled drafters. Wetlands are an important part of maintaining the quality of our water resources, and they play an important role in the long term maintenance and quality of your property (stabilizing creek banks, controlling flooding, and stabilizing lake and coastal land). Don’t get too far in planning your development and construction activities without having first completed the required research and field assessment for wetlands areas. Contact Point to Point Environmental, a certified wetlands delineator company in the southeastern US, for assistance with wetlands delineation. You can reach us at the number 678-565-4440.